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Unknown Psychological Conditions!

Hello everyone!!!...I'm back with my new post of are you all??

So today I'm gonna talk about some unknown psychological conditions which we experience in our lives but due to lack of proper and authentic information we don't know them by their terms.

I hope you have read my previous post on this, if not, then no worries, here are the links for you guys - & 

Give it a read!!..and now I'm gonna talk about some more conditions like we go...

Cibophobia : It is believed as the fear of food. People may avoid specific food and drinks because of a negative or traumatic experience such as choking, vomiting etc. after eating or drinking. Some people may continue to experience this fear in adulthood as well.

Clinomania : It is a medical condition in which a person likes to stay in bed with no intention of waking up and it also denotes obsession with bed and hates to be parted by it. It is associated with anxiety and anxiety disorder.

Deipnophobia : It is a phobia in which a person is afraid of dining with other people or holding conversations with them. They prefer eating alone or try to get over with the gathering as soon as possible.

Dorian Gray Syndrome : This syndrome is experienced by those who try to remain young and devote a lot of time and energy to look young and beautiful at any cost.

Ephebiphobia : It is the fear of youth or teenagers. An Ephebiphobe tends to experience a full blown panic attack at the thought of talking to or confronting a teenager. Doctors believe that a combination of genetic tendencies, brain chemistry and environmental factors can all cause this phobia.

Erotomania : It is a rare mental health condition that happens when someone is fixated on the idea that another person is intensely in love with them. The other person may be a celebrity, wealthy or of a high social position. The condition is also known as "De Clerambault's Syndrome".

Maladi Moun : It is also referred to as "Sent Sickness". In this condition, patients assume that the illness is caused by others' envy and hatred. One person's profit is assumed as another person's loss. It is most commonly found in Haitian communities.

Peter Pan Syndrome : It is described as one's inability to believe that they are of an older age or to engage in behaviour usually associated with adulthood. This syndrome affects people who do not want or feel unable to grow up, people with the body of an adult but the mind of a child.

Prosopagnosia : It is a neurological disorder characterized by the inability to recognize faces. It usually starts from birth and impacts people for the rest of their lives. People are even unable to recognize their own face and it is also known as "Face Blindness".

Somniphobia : It is an extreme fear/anxiety caused by the thought of going to bed. It is becoming very common in modern societies. It is followed by severe panic before falling asleep and dreaming. It also impacts the functioning of our body.

That's all for today...I hope you enjoyed reading this post...will be back with more such interesting information...till then stay tuned and if you like our blog please do follow and subscribe it...

See you in the next post...

~ Mousumi Gayen


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