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Some Unknown Psychological Syndromes

 Hello people...hope you all are in tune and safe...we are back again with some interesting psychological facts...

In this blog, we will be talking about various psychological disorders and syndromes which will make your jaw drop...these facts are named after some prestigious person or place or culture or some other factors and can affect anyone and let's begin...

Jerusalem Syndrome :
It refers to a complex group of mental phenomena related with practices around religion. It is said to influence a few travelers and foreigners visiting Jerusalem, a city that is blessed for the world's three primary monotheistic religions. Regardless of whether joined by auditory and visual hallucinations or delusions of being the Messiah, those harrowed regularly decline to leave Israel or Jerusalem.

De Clerambault's Syndrome : It is also known as Erotomania which is a rare type of paranoid delusion. A person with this syndrome believes that another person is deeply in love with them. People are mostly affectionate towards those people that are not accessible such as celebrities. This delusion is linked with other disorders and is likely to occur in presence of those disorders. Men are less affected by it and is more likely to occur with women.

Boanthropy : People who suffer from this accept that they are 'cows'. Frequently venturing to behave as such, those with boanthropy are even found in fields with cows, strolling down on the ground and biting grass as though they were a genuine individual from the herd. They do not appear to acknowledge what they are doing when they act like a cow. Researchers believe that this odd mental issue is brought on by dreams or hypnotism.

Apotemnophilia : It also called Body Integrity Identity Disorder which is portrayed by the 'overwhelming desire to remove healthy parts of the body'. This issue is accepted to be neurological. Those influenced by this may attempt to cut off their own limbs or harm the limb so that surgical amputation seems necessary. It is related to the right parietal lobe damage in brain. After the treatment is settled, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Aversion therapies can be used.

Diogenes Syndrome : It is a syndrome that mostly affects the elderly. It is a behavioral disorder. Lack of personal hygiene, understand hoarding and filthy homes can be few symptoms of the syndrome. It is also characterized by social isolation and self-neglect. It is common in both men and women. Mostly people above the age of 60 are affected by it.

Capgras Disorder : It is also known as "the delusion of doubles" or "the disorder of subjective doubles"; a psychopathological phenomenon of one of the several delusional misidentification syndromes involving "doubles" or "imposters" is named after Jean Marie Joseph Capgras. It is characterized by a delusional conviction that other persons in the environment are not their real selves but are their own doubles. This condition is commonly seen in psychotic conditions with delusional symptomatology such as paranoid schizophrenia (most frequently), delusional disorders, organic delusional disorders, dementia, epilepsy, and after horrible brain injury. Treatment approaches reflect those which are used for the underlying disorders and regularly incorporate anti-psychotic drugs.

Ghost Sickness : It is a syndrome in which a person is engrossed by the deceased and death. It is a culture bound syndrome occurring in Native America and there Hispanic Culture has also described it. There are a lot of symptoms in it like feeling of dander, fear, anxiety, dizziness, weakness, loss of appetite, hallucination and a sense of suffocation. In most cases it has been described somatically.

Neurasthenia : It is a condition characterized by fatigue, weakness, insomnia, aches and pain. The term gained its recognition in 19th century and was identified as the symptoms that were a result of working for hours and hours. The origin of the term is Greek as it is derived from the word 'Neurastheneia' which means 'nerve weakness'. In today's world it is a rare condition and people do not usually complain about it yet the term is a classified disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Wendigo Psychosis : It is a syndrome in which the person believes that he/she has become a monster who eats flesh. It is a culture bound syndrome. It is found most commonly occurring among Northern Algonquin Indians living in Canada and people living in the North Eastern United States.

Kleine Levin Syndrome : It is also known as a Sleeping Beauty Syndrome as the person with this syndrome experiences repeated episodes of sleepiness. In some cases, people can sleep up to 20 hours per day. This syndrome triggers other behavioral and cognitive changes. This disorder can affect anyone. But teenage boys on average develop the condition more than any other group.

Hope till now you guys enjoyed these little facts. Will be back with more interesting facts. Till then happy reading...:)

If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comment section.

See you in the next post.

~ Mousumi Gayen.




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