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Some Unknown Psychological Syndromes

  Hello people...hope you all are in tune and safe...we are back again with some interesting psychological facts... In this blog, we will be talking about various psychological disorders and syndromes which will make your jaw drop...these facts are named after some prestigious person or place or culture or some other factors and can affect anyone and let's begin... Jerusalem Syndrome : It refers to a complex group of mental phenomena related with practices around religion . It is said to influence a few travelers and foreigners visiting Jerusalem, a city that is blessed for the world's three primary monotheistic religions. Regardless of whether joined by auditory and visual hallucinations or delusions of being the Messiah, those harrowed regularly decline to leave Israel or Jerusalem. De Clerambault's Syndrome : It is also known as Erotomania which is a rare type of paranoid delusion . A person with this syndrome believes that another person is deeply in love