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Communication: How Do We Communicate.??

Hello and Welcome back.! πŸ˜ƒ Today's post is about something very basic yet the most important thing in our daily life : Communication . We all communicate in various ways and in different languages (verbal or non-verbal). Communication is not only about 'talking' , it is about 'conveying the message' . This 'conveying of message' can happen in any form and yet will be called as communication. First, we need to understand that communication is a process and through that process, we interact or communicate with others. Communication can be verbal, non-verbal or technical. I'll be writing about the 'types of communication' in my later posts, I'm not going into this right now. For this post, I'll be explaining communication and talking about the communication process. Definition: "Communication is a process by which a person. group, or organization transmits some type of information to another person, group, or organization" (Jeral

Unknown Psychological Conditions!

Hello everyone!!!...I'm back with my new post of are you all?? So today I'm gonna talk about some unknown psychological conditions which we experience in our lives but due to lack of proper and authentic information we don't know them by their terms. I hope you have read my previous post on this, if not, then no worries, here are the links for you guys -  &   Give it a read!!..and now I'm gonna talk about some more conditions like we go... Cibophobia :  It is believed as the fear of food . People may avoid specific food and drinks because of a negative or traumatic experience such as choking, vomiting etc. after eating or drinking. Some people may continue to experience this fear in adulthood as well. Clinomania :  It is a medical condition in which a person likes to stay

Memes and Mental health..

The topic I'm gonna talk about today can seem very light but trust me it's an important one.!πŸ˜ƒ Hey guys.!!  I'm back with my first post of 2021. I know, it's a bit late but then again, to write something good you need to be in your proper productive mind. So yeah, here I am, with my new post about an interesting and very new topic. This post is not an educational write up, like we don't study or write these stuff in our classrooms and exams. But in my opinion, it's a growing issue. This post is about, memes and mental health . And 'how these memes affect the mental health?' . Now, you might think, the only thing, that gave you some laughter in this pandemic is now affecting your mental health too.!! So, before you judge yourself or the meme and memers, and make a conclusion about it, read this post. And honestly, I'm not against it. Rather I enjoy memes. So, without creating more confusion, I'll directly jump into the main message I wanna convey

Stress Management...

Hello and Welcome back..!! I'm back with my new write up.. And it's gonna be a helpful one.. Why!? Because it's about Stress Management ..  We all are very stressed nowadays, especially 2020 made us to literally experience what stress is.. Speaking of that, I hope you have already read my blog on "What stress actually is?" , If not then click the link and read ( ).. So, now we know, what is stress..! But do we know how to manage that stress in our daily life? Here, I'm telling you how to do that.. So, welcome onboard..πŸ˜ƒ HOW TO MANAGE STRESS? Stress occurs once you perceive that demands placed on you, like; work, school or relationships - exceed your ability to cope. Some stress are often beneficial sometimes, producing a surge inside our brain and body that provides the drive and energy to help people get through situations like exams or work deadlines. However, an extreme amount of

Civil Responsibility in Mental Health

Hello everyone!! you all are doing?....hope everything is going with the flow... Today I am going to talk about a very serious and important yet very wrongly used (especially at present time) part of mental health. It's high time that we should prevent it firmly. We all know that in each and every different professions have some legal and ethical principles to maintain and guide the mankind into a right direction; likewise, there are legal and ethical issues in mental health as well. Law comes in contact with mental health at many points, such as admission of a mentally ill person in a mental hospital, crime committed by a mentally ill person, validity of marriage, witness, will, consent, right to vote and drug dependence. Forensic psychiatry deals with the legal aspects of psychiatry. In this post, I will talk about one of the 2 parts of legal aspects in mental health, which is -  Civil Responsibility There is usually a presumption in the favor of sanity and the contrary mu

Effects of Stress on our Health & Related Disorders:

Hello and Welcome back..!! πŸ˜ƒ This post is the continuation of my previous post on Stress.. We have seen what is stress and what's the mechanism behind this.. Also types of stress and symptoms of it.. If you haven't read it up, no worries, just click on this link to read ( ).. In this I'll be talking about the consequences of stress and also the stress related disorders.. So, first we'll see the general consequences and then we'll go into the specific disorders.. Effects/Consequences of stress on health:  Arousal Modulation & High Performance:  When an individual is in stress, the arousal level changes, which in turn affects the performance level of the individual. This change in arousal influence the psychological and physical state of the individual. Socio-cultural Decompensation:  In the face of wars, economic problems and other internal & external stressors that surpasses their

Psychiatric Emergency

Hello you all are doing?....hope everything is safe and sound!πŸ˜ƒ Today I am here to talk about a very interesting yet not so acquainted area in the field of seat back and enjoy readingπŸ˜€ Let's define " emergency " what is emergency??? me, emergency is a situation where one should act respect to that situation immediately;  you guys can leave your thoughts on this in the comment section! An emergency is defined as an unforeseen combination of circumstances which calls for an immediate action.. A M edical emergency is defined as a medical condition which endangers life and/or causes great suffering to the individual.   Now what is P sychiatric emergency?? - it   is a disturbance in thought, mood and/or action which causes sudden distress to the individual (or to significant others) and/or sudden disability, thus requiring immediate management. A similar term Crisis means a situation that presents a challenge to the patient,

Stress: What Actually Is It.??

Hola Amigos,  hope all are doing fine and healthy.. Here's another useful write up for you all.. Relax & Read up.. Give your feedbacks in the comments.. And Don't take STRESS at all..!! (pun intended)πŸ˜„ Stress  is a very known and widely used term in our daily life. We often talk about having a stressful situation/life or having stress related issues. We use this term so colloquially that anything difficult becomes a stress to us. Stress is actually a huge term for a mechanism happens in our body and mind which affects our daily, social, personal and occupational life. So let's see what stress actually is.. Is it just a mere office work or assignment what makes us irritable? Or much more than that..?? What Is Stress? Stress is a term used, to various mental and bodily pressures experienced or felt by people throughout their lives. Stress is defined as "a state of psychological and physiological imbalance resulting from the disparity between situational demand and