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Showing posts with the label communication

Communication Disorders: Not Much Talked About!

HELLO , Everyone In today's post I'll be talking about 'Communication Disorders'. In my previous posts we have read about what is Communication and the barriers in effective communication. These two parts are interdependent and we have seen the whole communication process as a whole in these two. If you haven't read up here are the links:  How Do We Communicate?  &  Modes of Comm. & Common barriers. Now we are going to know, what are Communication disorders.? These come under the clinical domain of the very topic. Communication disorders by it's name depicts the inability to communicate with others. And please note that, these are not just the barriers in communication. These are clinical pathological condition of a person (mainly children), who are not able to communicate with others. Children with Communication Disorders (formerly known as developmental speech and language disorders) have difficulty in producing speech sounds, using spoken language to ...

Modes of communication & The common barriers in it..

Hi, How have you been.? I hope all my readers are doing well.. Here I am, back with the continuing post on "Communication" . In this post, I'll be talking about the common modes we use everyday in our day to day basis communication and also about the barriers affecting our communication.. If you haven't read up the previous post regarding this topic then click on this link and go, read up ( communication: how do we communicate? ).. As we know and read up in the previous post, Communication  is a process. It has been defined as transferring of a thought or idea from one person or group of persons to another person or group of persons so that it can be understood and acted upon. Communication process is the system by which a message goes to the sender from the receiver in an organized way (the process has been described in the previous post). According to S.K. Kapur, “The Communication process is the method by which the  sender transfers information and under...

Communication: How Do We Communicate.??

Hello and Welcome back.! 😃 Today's post is about something very basic yet the most important thing in our daily life : Communication . We all communicate in various ways and in different languages (verbal or non-verbal). Communication is not only about 'talking' , it is about 'conveying the message' . This 'conveying of message' can happen in any form and yet will be called as communication. First, we need to understand that communication is a process and through that process, we interact or communicate with others. Communication can be verbal, non-verbal or technical. I'll be writing about the 'types of communication' in my later posts, I'm not going into this right now. For this post, I'll be explaining communication and talking about the communication process. Definition: "Communication is a process by which a person. group, or organization transmits some type of information to another person, group, or organization" (Jeral...