ART therapy is a blended field of therapeutic practice that combines art and psychology. It utilises the creative process, artistic techniques, and external artwork to support individuals to develop self awareness, explore emotions and acknowledge unresolved conflicts and trauma. This psychological therapy has not been in use till the 1940s. After that the doctors observed and realised that the people suffering from psychological disorders are much more expressive through these artworks and drawings than verbally or written, which led many to explore the use of art as a healing strategy.After which this occupied a major place in the therapeutic field of psychology. The 3 main elements of art therapy are creating artwork, reflecting, and connecting to personal insights. There are few mentioned ART therapy techniques which help ones to overcome their problems: Collage, Colouring, Doodling and scribbling, Drawing, Finger painting, Painting, Photography, Sculpting, Working with clay A...
In general, anxiety can be defined as excessive and persistent worry about everyday situations. Anxiety can be normal in stressful situations such as public speaking or giving a test and it acts as an indicator of underlying diseases. The major symptoms of anxiety are fast heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, and feeling tired. The Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud emphasized that anxiety is a felt, affective, unpleasant state accompanied by a physical sensation that warns the person against impending danger. The unpleasantness is often vague and hard to pinpoint, but the anxiety itself is always felt. Sigmund Freud was the first to state that anxiety is a type of personality trait that is an innate tendency of an infant to act in any stressful situation. This anxiety an infant gets from his/her biological parents and is not learned. Anxiety according to Freud can be seen in 3 ways- Neurotic Anxiety- It is an apprehension about an unknown dan...