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Showing posts with the label sexual dysfunction

Psychological Perspective on Sexual Dysfunction

 We know that sex is a physiological need and as important as food, water. It helps in creating more intimate bond between people. Sex is a pleasurable sensation for both physical and mental health. But do people experience any unpleasantness during this pleasurable process??... The answer is YES. In fact, sexual dysfunction is not just a man's world ; it is prevalent in both males and females but unfortunately sexual dysfunctions among women are not often discussed!!  Now you all could be having so many questions, thoughts running in your head like what is this dysfunction???...Why does it occur???...What are the causes behind it???...or am I suffering from any???...Is it my partner???... Well....take a deep breath and relax...we are here to clear all your queries and dilemmas about this happy reading!! :) Sexual Dysfunction : What is it?? According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV-TR (DSM-IV-TR) , the major difficulty in evaluating sexual dy