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Showing posts with the label hand writing

Signature Analysis In Graphology........

Hola Amigos..!!👋 I'm back with another very interesting topic.. It is with the continuation of my blog on Graphology (Click the link to read if you haven't: ).. Though it is a separated topic from handwriting analysis, we need to have a general idea about the basics of graphology.. So, what do you think your signature can reveal about you.? Quite a lot actually..!!  Here I'll be speaking about signature and types of signatures and how do graphologists analyze those.. I hope you will find this post informative and engaging.. 😃 *Do remember this blog just gives a basic idea about signature analysis and does not teach you the whole process of  signature analysis. Please don't try to analyze without having proper training in it. What Is A Signature.? The text symbolizes the way in which we conduct ourselves in life and how we wish to be identified. It is the image we present before ot...

What Do The Colors Of Ink Denote In Graphology...???

Hello, people.!!😃 I'm back with some very interesting topic today. I hope you already read about the basics of Graphology  in my other post, (if you haven't, then no worries, click on this link to read - ). This piece is gonna be very short and crisp, but it's a very interesting one indeed, as we are going to know about the meanings of the color of ink we choose to use while writing a sample piece for hand writing analysis. These colors have meanings but those can't be the sole indicator towards anything of that writer. So, as graphologist, I would like to say, please don't judge or analyse anyone only using this knowledge, if you don't know proper hand writing analysis. Remember, these things mainly help in addition to the whole hand writing analysis process. Meaning of Ink Colors in Graphology: To know about this first we will know what type of pen one should use while su...

All You Need to Know About Graphology...

Have you ever thought that your hand writing can tell your state of mind or your personality? Or you can understate people by seeing and analyzing their hand writing or signature? Let me tell you something.. You Can..!!!! If you are interested to know how this works then read up this piece. I hope you will find it intriguing.  Let's begin..  Happy reading...😃 What is Graphology?  The word "Graphology" is derived from the Greek word 'Grapho' means writing  and 'Logos' which relates to discussion. In simple words, Graphology can be understood as the analysis of characteristics and patterns of handwriting to understand the personality of the writer and also their psychological state at the time of writing. It is generally considered as pseudoscience but in recent times this branch is really getting attention of researchers and psychologists. People who have a background of studying psychology find it easier to understand the way graphology works.  Graphology...