Hello, people.!!😃 I'm back with some very interesting topic today. I hope you already read about the basics of Graphology in my other post, (if you haven't, then no worries, click on this link to read - https://psychedbloggers.blogspot.com/2020/08/all-you-need-to-know-about-graphology.html ). This piece is gonna be very short and crisp, but it's a very interesting one indeed, as we are going to know about the meanings of the color of ink we choose to use while writing a sample piece for hand writing analysis. These colors have meanings but those can't be the sole indicator towards anything of that writer. So, as graphologist, I would like to say, please don't judge or analyse anyone only using this knowledge, if you don't know proper hand writing analysis. Remember, these things mainly help in addition to the whole hand writing analysis process. Meaning of Ink Colors in Graphology: To know about this first we will know what type of pen one should use while su...
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