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Showing posts with the label cisgender

Are Sex and Gender Similar?

Sex is a part of life, a biological need that can be incredibly rewarding in terms of pleasurable sensations and creating a close bond in relationships. However, many people experience problems that diminish this pleasure or even prevent them from engaging in sexual intercourse. Sometimes these issues stem from existing trouble in the relationship but sometimes it can stem from psychological issues as well!! But.... What is Sex and Gender? Sex is the phrase we use to categorize the physical anatomy someone has, based on how it aligns with what we understand to be ' male ', ' female ' or ' intersex '; each known as ' sex '. It is a  biological construction . -- Intersex :  I ndividuals born with any or several variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones or genitals that according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights , ' do not fit the typical definitions for male or female bodies '. Gender