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Showing posts with the label Personality traits

Ways of Defining The Nature of Personality and Approaches in Personality...

There are few words in the English language that have such a fascination for the general public as the term  Personality . An individual's personality is assessed by the effectiveness with which he/she is able to elicit positive reactions from a variety of persons under different circumstances; the personality of the individual consist of the most salient or outstanding impression that he/she creates to others. Personality maybe hard to define but we know it when we see it. This blog will help you to get versed about this particular domain, to cementing your areas of expertise. It provides content to people who are interested in becoming psychologists, addition to help the non-psychologists people as well. Also people who are pursuing UG/PG in Psychology, this content will help you to be prepared with your exam notes!!! Let the learning begin....hope it helps!!! What is Personality or The Nature of Personality The term 'personality' is derived from the Latin word " per...