Facing difficulty in choosing what's best for you as a career? And heard a lot about Career counseling but don't know what is it? Here are the answers to your questions. Know everything about career and vocational counseling. This blog is all about career and vocational counseling. This will help you to get an insight about this domain of counseling and understand what actually happens in career counseling. So after reading this you can take help from a certified career and vocational counselor and choose the right career path for yourself. Welcome on board.. Happy reading.!! 😃 What is Career Counseling? Career counseling is a process of helping individuals know themselves in terms of educational and occupational exploration, leaving to career planning. It is a process of self-knowledge, one's own aptitude (which are abilities of that individual), interests, personality and intelligence (not always measured). These are the number of factors those influence our career dev...
All about Psychology and related areas. The purpose of this blog is to spread awareness about mental health and also to guide students of psychology to engage and enlarge their knowledge. Any queries? Feel free to drop a text @yourthoughtfultherapist on Instagram / MIND by YTT on LinkedIn Happy Reading..!! © reserved by MIND